Tips, DIY, Reviews and Recommendations all involving fashion.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Upcoming: Domain Name
We are working on a new domain name and website at this current time. We will be uploading it next month, along with an app you can download straight to your iPhone and Android. Check back soon loves --Candra
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Floods and Flaws!
Cellulose clothing, it seems weird right? Believe it or not, it was popular back in the 1960s, it was a unique and a short lived trend. The first product was made by a paper company which caught trend and eventually made the idea into paper clothing boutiques. They mass produced basic clothing needs at first and made their way into creating items such and underwear, raincoats, bikinis and even wedding dresses. (Given the bikinis and raincoats where only good for a one time wear). They lost their appeal in the late 1960s as they were very flammable. Local fashion designers are still inspired by their uniqueness.
Given knee high boots and oversized coats are a must in this weather of biblical proportions, paper clothing would not last a minute in the horrifying downpour and flooding we have been forced to deal with. Some may say it is a pimple on the face of the 1960s I say it is a cute idea for a different day. Perhaps a sunnier day.
Friday, September 6, 2013
What is trending in The Mile High City this fall?
Toms-- These babies are so comfortable, I could wear these year round. Plus, in my book they are in-style and helping out a tremendous cause. Try investing in some green ones, because emerald, linden and deep lichen greens are all in this season, but really any toms will work.
Also check out: and
Leather-- You are going to see leather in a way that you have probably never seen leather worn before. It is going to panel dresses and pants in all different colors. (If you are a little hesitant on buying leather anything, you can always buy vegan (faux) leather which is made out of PVC, Vinyl and Poly Suede) Leather does not stop at Fall 2013, it also follows into Spring 2014, with Stephanie-Os (a local designer) vegan leather shorts and vegan leather skirts, and they are to die for as well as Barrera Internationals is promising us "Asia meets French Couture." from their Fall 2014 collection.
Above is faux leather leggings and they are adorable!
Above and below is two styles of leather in clothing you shall see this Fall.
One thing you can be sure you will see this Fall is coats, lots and lots of coats. Here in Colorado us natives have an array of hoodies, jackets and coats. (Well most of us) and oversized is a must this season, which makes me personally overjoyed because I loath the cold.

Boots are always in season in the fall over here, but this season what is really a trend is over the knee flat boots worn with skinny jeans and a loose top. You can also get these in a faux leather and not have to pay a fortune for them! I bought mine at Angles in the Flat Irons Crossing for 20 bucks.
(These are my top two favorite designers located in Denver)

25 tricks and tips my mother/sister tought me.
Today is my mothers birthday, and I thought hey why not write a blog dedicated to what my dearest mother tought me over the years. So, here it is, 25 tricks and tips my former Avon sales lady mother has shown me over the years! (and a little of what my older sister tought me)
25: When you are cleaning out your closet always ask yourself this question, if I was shopping this instant who I buy this article of clothing.
24: Never, EVER put swimwear in the washing machine, it will only damage your suit. Hand wash is a must.
23: Add a 1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar to final rinse cycle of your washing machine to keep the color of your favorite dark jeans.
22: Never, EVER, dry Jeans, contrary to what people have told you over the years the denim may not actully shrink but the elastic will.
21: Always remember to check your pockets before washing anything, I learned this the hard way and left lip gloss in my jeans pocket and all of my clothing was stained with oil all over it.
20: If oil or grease stained your clothing, use dish soap, it was made for the detachment of oil and grease.
19: You may love your make-up but always, always remember to take care of your beautiful face, always put primer on first before putting any kind of makeup. Make-up is made to enhance your beauty, not to make it come out of thin air.
18: Everyday bras should be replaced every 3-6 months, remember your bras elastic and support are not as strong as the gorgeous person wearing them.
17: Want to look fabulouse in formal events without wearing heels, (this is for taller girls) I have two words for you ballet flats. 16: If you can't fit two fingers under your bra while wearing it, then this is a tell tale sign it is too small. 15: Don't impulse buy, if your still thinking about it tomorrow then buy. 14: Orangey lipstick will make your teeth look yellower while light pinks will give your teeth a more flawless white color. 13: Run a lighter over your pencil eyeliner, this will give you a better look. 12: Went on vacation without bringing blush or eyeshadow? No problem, use lipstick for both and then BLEND. 11: Do not wear two pieces of flashy clothing, instead wear one piece of flashy clothing and one normal piece of clothing, this will make your outfit pop. Like the picture below.
17: Want to look fabulouse in formal events without wearing heels, (this is for taller girls) I have two words for you ballet flats. 16: If you can't fit two fingers under your bra while wearing it, then this is a tell tale sign it is too small. 15: Don't impulse buy, if your still thinking about it tomorrow then buy. 14: Orangey lipstick will make your teeth look yellower while light pinks will give your teeth a more flawless white color. 13: Run a lighter over your pencil eyeliner, this will give you a better look. 12: Went on vacation without bringing blush or eyeshadow? No problem, use lipstick for both and then BLEND. 11: Do not wear two pieces of flashy clothing, instead wear one piece of flashy clothing and one normal piece of clothing, this will make your outfit pop. Like the picture below.
10: Have a dress that you love but have a feeling it may be a little to reveling, match it up with a cardigan, this way you are not so whore couture.
9: Never ever wear short shorts and a tank, you want to be showing some skin but not over doing it.
8. The structure of your hair depends on the interactions between the protein molecules of your hair. Heat alters this bonding which in turn 'denatures' the protein (it loses its normal shape and settles in the new shape that you leave it in)
7: If you want to seem taller, then buy a heel the same color as your skin tone. (Plus, they go with EVERYTHING)
6: Wash your hair every 3 days, I know this sounds unappealing but that is why the make dry shampoo. 5: Buy sulfate free shampoo, sulfate dries and strips your hair. Who wants that? 4: You want a flawless make up job? Then it starts with the 8 makeup brushes you must have. Powder brush, blush brush, foundation brush, lip brush, blending brush, concealer brush, eyeshadow brush and angled brush. Use them accordingly. (Never use your fingers or a makeup sponge, this will make your makeup caked on)
6: Wash your hair every 3 days, I know this sounds unappealing but that is why the make dry shampoo. 5: Buy sulfate free shampoo, sulfate dries and strips your hair. Who wants that? 4: You want a flawless make up job? Then it starts with the 8 makeup brushes you must have. Powder brush, blush brush, foundation brush, lip brush, blending brush, concealer brush, eyeshadow brush and angled brush. Use them accordingly. (Never use your fingers or a makeup sponge, this will make your makeup caked on)
3: Excersising may be good for your body but it is bad for your face. Always wash your face before exersizing, clean the dirt and oil off your skin otherwise it will get ground into your skin giving you blackheads.
2: After taking a shower take a clean cotton ball and cover it in hydrogen peroxide and sweep in on your acne prone areas.
1: Be thankful for your unique beauty, embrace what you have. That or never put your used gum in the garbage disposal.

Thursday, September 5, 2013
DIY: Whiteninng Tray & Whitning Teeth
I am going to tell you step by step how to make whitening trays and not pay a fortune for them. First you will need to find a Wal-Mart and in their sporting equipment section you will find mouth guards, buy two af the cheapest ones. Once you get home run the top mouth guard under hot water for about 10 seconds, you will feel it start to get flimsy, if you hold it over 10 seconds the rubber will start to shrink, and we don't want that. Then immediately stick it over your teeth and suck in and press it with your fingers to get a mold of your teeth. Do this for about a minute and then proceed to do the lowers the same way. It should turn out like the picture below.
Now on to whitening your teeth, the cheap and safe way. I know some of you have heard of brushing your teeth with lemon juice or making your own toothpaste out of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I must warn you, if you do this method prepare to damage your enamel, Although enamel can withstand damage, it doesn't have any living cells. Thus, it can't repair itself as it erodes, breaks or chips. Here is the one of the methods that will not damage your teeth. I costs less than whitening strips and works a lot better. What you will need is Plus Whitening 5 minute speed whitening ge. I should look somewhat like the picture below. (you can get this at any drug store)
Dry your teeth and put the gel on your teeth and then put a bit on the inside of your whitening trays and place both trays in your mouth, wait for 15-20 minutes twice a day for two weeks. Then you just have to maintain your white teeth, enamel and all.
Now on to whitening your teeth, the cheap and safe way. I know some of you have heard of brushing your teeth with lemon juice or making your own toothpaste out of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I must warn you, if you do this method prepare to damage your enamel, Although enamel can withstand damage, it doesn't have any living cells. Thus, it can't repair itself as it erodes, breaks or chips. Here is the one of the methods that will not damage your teeth. I costs less than whitening strips and works a lot better. What you will need is Plus Whitening 5 minute speed whitening ge. I should look somewhat like the picture below. (you can get this at any drug store)
Dry your teeth and put the gel on your teeth and then put a bit on the inside of your whitening trays and place both trays in your mouth, wait for 15-20 minutes twice a day for two weeks. Then you just have to maintain your white teeth, enamel and all.

How to make your face clear and soft naturally.
I am one that fell victim to the horrendous case of acne that would NEVER go away. That being said, I have tried almost every treatment, mask and cream out there. I am going to let you in on a little known secret, if you eat healthy and drink loads of water and stop drinking drinks that have high fructose corn syrup, your acne will let up.
Trick: If you have an event coming up that you want your acne to shrink down for, professional make-up artists use this trick, get any kind of ibuprofen (gel caps work best) and then crush 1-2 put it on your face where you want the acne to go down and leave it there for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with water and their you go!
How does this process work?
Simple anser, Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever.
Another trick is this: After you shower, get a cotton ball and soak it in lemon juice, then dip it in sugar. Scrub your face for approximately 3-5 minutes. Rinse and feel your skin. So soft.
How does this process work:
Lemons are a natural source of Vitamin C; an ingredient commonly used to lighten sun and age spots and even out skin tone; A natural astringent that tightens pores and brightens the complexion.
Sugar is a natural exfoliation; a natural source of glycollic acid which evens out skin tone, cleans pores, and improves overall skin texture by removing dead, dull skin cells.
If you are buying expensive acne treatments look at the ingredients in them. They will most likely be benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which you can get at your local drug store for under 5 dollars.

Alter your face without surgery!
First off I want to tell you secrets you may not know on foundation, they come in liquids, creams and powders. If you are at the supermarket looking for a new foundation I urge you to try the cream because you can mix it with primer, it's a definite yes to make your foundation look natural and not caked on. It comes out seamless, plus it lasts all day unlike liquids or powder.
If you have a predominantly round face: Then we want to enhance your features to make it seem oval. Take a bronzer or foundation along the temples of your face, diagonally under your cheek bone and your chin. This way it will depict the features of the face to make it look like you have an oval face!
If you have a large forehead: Put bronzer on the top of your forehead, where the hairline begins just above the temples. Then highlight your forehead right below the bronzer. This will make your forehead look smaller.
If you have a bigger nose than you would like: Bronze the outside of your nose (the bridge) starting with the inner side of your brow, then do the same to your other side, then highlight in the center of your nose. This way it will disguise the nose and make it look smaller. (If you have a square nose you can make it seem rounder by putting bronzer right above your nostrils. This way it will alter your nose)
Dark under eye circles: Take your highlighter and make a V right below your eyes. (from inner corner to outer corner and then blend upwards until you get to your outer bottom lash)
Neck: Contour your neck V lines right below your neck and on the inside highlight. Then, contour your neck by swiping your conceler brush from top to bottom in a stripe pattern and then blend.

Breasts: Take your circular brush and your bronzer and apply it in between your breasts depict a V where your cleavage should be. Then apply highlights to the upper part of your breasts, your upper body and shoulders and then blend. This should give your breasts a more pronounced look.
Blend and put finishing powder on face
(If you want it to last for a long period of time without looking flawed then lightly spray your face and upper body with hair spray, this way you are setting your face to look fab all day)

Breasts: Take your circular brush and your bronzer and apply it in between your breasts depict a V where your cleavage should be. Then apply highlights to the upper part of your breasts, your upper body and shoulders and then blend. This should give your breasts a more pronounced look.
Blend and put finishing powder on face
(If you want it to last for a long period of time without looking flawed then lightly spray your face and upper body with hair spray, this way you are setting your face to look fab all day)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Hi-Low? Hell no!
It seems like all of the fashion gurus are speaking in support of hi-low dresses and skirts. I say if you like it then wear it, I'm all about a slight hi-low anything but some fashion designers are going way to far for it scream out mullet of the fashion world (to me) like the one below.
This is one fashion trend that I have not been following this season.

Meet the Host
I started this blog because if I would have known the tricks and tips on fashion many years ago, I think I would have had a less embarrassing youth. Lets just start out with who I am!
My name is Candra Kellerby,and I have been a fan of fashion since I was young. I grew up in a small town and I felt it was suffocating my wardrobe. At the age of 22 I moved to Denver, Colorado. Looking back, I think that is when I really fell in love with fashion. Although it has always been a great subject in my life. I found myself in malls trying on outfits that a fashionista would wear to shopping in Urban Outfitters buying Mary-Janes and silk shorts.
I broke out of my shell and my wardrobe has been changing ever since. With this new ideal of fashion in my head, I got more creative and learned what works and what does not (in my eyes at least). Here I will give you DIY's that focus on your wardrobe and make-up to make heads turn.

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