Sunday, September 15, 2013

Floods and Flaws!

Cellulose clothing, it seems weird right? Believe it or not, it was popular back in the 1960s, it was a unique and a short lived trend. The first product was made by a paper company which caught trend and eventually made the idea into paper clothing boutiques. They mass produced basic clothing needs at first and made their way into creating items such and underwear, raincoats, bikinis and even wedding dresses. (Given the bikinis and raincoats where only good for a one time wear). They lost their appeal in the late 1960s as they were very flammable. Local fashion designers are still inspired by their uniqueness.
Given knee high boots and oversized coats are a must in this weather of biblical proportions, paper clothing would not last a minute in the horrifying downpour and flooding we have been forced to deal with. Some may say it is a pimple on the face of the 1960s I say it is a cute idea for a different day. Perhaps a sunnier day. 

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